This course consists mainly of research seminars run by students, under the guidance of the course director. Each student will develop two small research projects: A small one on a topic chosen by the course director and a larger one on a topic of their own choice. For each project, the student will lead one seminar (select key readings on the project for other course members, present a talk about the project [1st talk: 20 min, 2nd talk: 30 min], then direct discussion) and submit an essay. When not presenting their own work, students’ responsibilities are contributing to informed discussion of other students’ work (i.e., read assigned articles, develop discussion questions, participate actively in class discussion). Course aims are to help students develop greater independence and higher level academic skills in their psychology studies (oral presentation, leading seminars, informed and active participation in seminars, report writing).
- Teacher: Heather Jordan
- Teacher: Josee S Rivest