Invitation to participate into the


by Alexandre Bodet

Dear students,

I am Alexandre Bodet —a senior thesis student in 4th year— and I need your help in order to collect data for completing my thesis. My study is about perception and reading; its results should help us understand dyslexia.

Thank you for considering participating in our experiment. Your participation is most appreciated and is completely voluntary.

The study is about perception and reading skills in English.
Thus, in order to participate,
• your first language must be English;
• you must not have been diagnosed with a reading disorder and;
• you must have normal, 20/20 vision (with glasses if you need them).
You will be asked to give your age and gender identity. In order to make sure your vision is normal, you will complete a visual acuity test and identify a single letter presented quickly at the right side of a fixation point on the computer screen. You will then do a computer-based task that requires you to fixate at the center of the screen while a 5-letter string will be flashed on its right side. Half of the time, the 5 letters will form a word, and half of the time, they will not form a word. On half of the trials, the middle letter (3rd letter) of the 5-letter strings will be presented normally, and on half of the trials, it will be presented in its mirror image. Your task will be to identify the middle letter (3rd letter) of the 5-letter string and report whether it was presented normally or not. This task should take about 35 minutes.

All information given will be strictly confidential, and results will be anonymous.

By deciding to participate in the study, you will receive a credit towards your Introduction to Psychology course or Intermediate Experimental Psychology course. In order to be given the credit, your name (no other information) will be communicated to your course director.

If you have any question, feel free to communicate with Alexandre Bodet at

Thanks again! Please use the scheduled attached on this page in order to sign up for the study.

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