This course connects the three areas of communication, health and environment by exploring the interrelationships between human health and the health of natural and socio-economic environments. It also addresses the influence of mass communication in relation to public policy pertaining to human and ecosystem health. Throughout the course, the sustainability concept is used as a guiding principle.
Course structure: The lectures are organized in four modules, two per term:
- Fall term: Module 1 - Ecology (Watersheds); Module 2 - Health (Health promotion)
- Winter term: Module 3 - Communication (Media Literacy); Module 4 - Sustainability (Case studies)
Overview: Overall, this course will provide students with exposure to a broad range of subject matters including:
- Health Literacy - Ecological Literacy - Media Literacy: the course will cover basic concepts/knowledge to introduce students to main issues pertaining to health, ecology and mass communication studies;
- Healthy Public Policy: the course will also present what is a healthy public policy;
- Systems thinking: the course will offer an introduction to systems thinking approach, with a particular emphasis on health determinants and urban sustainability.
Key questions: What is a healthy public policy (HPP) and do news media contribute or not to the HPP process? (What is health? What is the environment? How are they connected? What is media literacy? What is urban health? What is sustainability?)
For more information, refer to the Course Outline (Syllabus) - Top section of this course website (Moodle/eclass.)
Course structure: The lectures are organized in four modules, two per term:
- Fall term: Module 1 - Ecology (Watersheds); Module 2 - Health (Health promotion)
- Winter term: Module 3 - Communication (Media Literacy); Module 4 - Sustainability (Case studies)
Overview: Overall, this course will provide students with exposure to a broad range of subject matters including:
- Health Literacy - Ecological Literacy - Media Literacy: the course will cover basic concepts/knowledge to introduce students to main issues pertaining to health, ecology and mass communication studies;
- Healthy Public Policy: the course will also present what is a healthy public policy;
- Systems thinking: the course will offer an introduction to systems thinking approach, with a particular emphasis on health determinants and urban sustainability.
Key questions: What is a healthy public policy (HPP) and do news media contribute or not to the HPP process? (What is health? What is the environment? How are they connected? What is media literacy? What is urban health? What is sustainability?)
For more information, refer to the Course Outline (Syllabus) - Top section of this course website (Moodle/eclass.)
- Lecturer: Charles Antoine Rouyer